London Online Marketing Services Can Help Avoid Web Design Mistakes

A company’s website is the foundation of their online marketing campaign. As the public face of the company, a website serves as the central source of information about the services they offer. However, more than just being a repository for basic company details and updates, a webpage needs to be well-made so that it can attract visitors and convert them into customers. This is where London online marketing services like Alcyon WebBuild can help.

It is really easy to make mistakes when designing a website, especially if you aren’t really well-versed in the processes involved.

Keeping Up with the Online Marketing Evolution

The world of online marketing is an evolving field. If you own a business, it will be to your advantage to be on the lookout for changes, especially in SEO.

Mobile devices have grown in usage over the last few years, to the point that they are projected to eventually overtake desktop computers. About a year ago, Google announced that it would take into account how mobile-friendly a website is when ranking results for smartphone searches. Local businesses can potentially lose a lot of traffic if their site is not mobile-friendly, which is why Google recommends and favours responsive web design in this matter.

You may have heard this before, but it’s certainly worth repeating: be social. Relationships were the cornerstone of any business in the days before the Internet, and that fact still remains even now. With social media, you should remember that it’s not only visibility that matters, but interaction too.

Furthermore, you can know if you’re keeping up with the changes if you track your ROI (return on investment). For this, it would be wise to utilise analytics to know important data such as cost per acquisition. The insight you will gain from this will help you improve your efforts.