Online Marketing Basics—Use a Strategy that Meets Your Marketing Needs


Due to the sheer size of this city, London online marketing is a very common search term for businesses that hope to obtain a considerable edge over their competitors.

Many business owners understand the importance of a powerful online marketing strategy. For instance, a study has illustrated that no less than 78 per cent of consumers utilise the Internet to research a product or service before making a purchase. What are some of the basic factors required in order to develop a successful campaign?

Leverage Social Media

A company should always take advantage of the power that social media offers. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are excellent outlets to reach an ever-evolving target audience. These can literally be thought of as “free” advertising, for there is no cost involved (besides a certain amount of time).

How to Find the Best Online Marketing Firm in London

There is no doubt that the world of online marketing has advanced in leaps and bounds during recent times. This is especially important in a city such as London which is certainly one of the most competitive in the world. Finding the best third-party marketing firm is therefore critical for one’s continued success. What are some of the primary metrics which help to bolster the reputation of such a company?
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Find your unique selling proposition to succeed with online marketing

It can be difficult for a business to stand out, especially in a busy area like London, where many firms compete for customers in the same arena. Done properly, online marketing can make a huge difference to sales and brand recognition, but how do you ensure your business stands out from the crowd?
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Online Marketing in the 21st Century

There are many approaches that can be taken to produce an effective online marketing campaign. Of course, larger cities, such as London, dictate that the strategies of any business be sharply honed; the sheer amount of competition demands nothing less, especially for young and start-up companies. Fortunately, with the help of experienced SEO marketing companies, there are tools that a business can employ at its disposal in order to maximise its online presence.

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Online Marketing Ideas for Your London Business

When you’re trying to catch the eye of London customers, you’ll need to be creative. However, it can be difficult to come up with effective ideas. That’s why you’ll need the help of online marketing professionals to come up with original ways to get customers flocking to your business. Here are a few examples of what they can come up with:


  • Start a Blog. A blog, especially a well-written one, can get your company a lot of attention. However, a blog isn’t about the hard sell; having informative and amusing articles is enough to raise people’s attention.


  • Create a Video Series. Another way to get people to pay attention is a video series. Amusing videos with colourful personalities put a face to your business, making your company more approachable and memorable.


  • Use Social Media. A lot of people use social media nowadays. Creating a presence on a social media platform can ensure visibility to many people. Furthermore, social media is easy to use and reaches out to a large potential audience.


These are just a few examples of what you can do to garner people’s attention. However, implementing them can be a bit difficult. You’ll want the help of dedicated online marketing professionals to ensure that they’re done properly.


London Online Marketing: Keep Up with Google’s New Mobile SEO Update

The recent announcement from Google about mobile SEO had businesses around the world worried. The latest update states that a website’s mobile-friendliness will now be treated as a ranking signal. This means that websites that are not mobile optimised may rank lower in search results. This comes as no surprise at all, however, as Google had been hinting at its leniency to mobile-responsive websites for quite a long time. Businesses in London that have yet to create mobile-responsive websites are now advised to revamp their London online marketing strategies to avoid penalties before the update takes effect on the 21st of April.

Experts speculate that this change came about because of an event in early 2014 when mobile searches exceeded PC searches. An overwhelming 99.5 percent of users accessed websites through their mobile devices to find content and information while 15 percent made purchases. Although mobile SEO has been one of the major contributors to search engine rankings as it stands today, Google aims to change the landscape once more with the upcoming update.


Sites to Social Media: Perks of Online Marketing

With the rise of social media, more and more are setting up their online marketing and seeing results. Indeed, the Internet has become important for the marketing efforts of any business. The Web enables a business to build relations with customers through low-cost personalised communication.

Having an online presence virtually makes you open for business at any given time of the day. It also makes it convenient for customers to find you and browse and purchase your products in their own time and pace. Continue reading