Find your unique selling proposition to succeed with online marketing

It can be difficult for a business to stand out, especially in a busy area like London, where many firms compete for customers in the same arena. Done properly, online marketing can make a huge difference to sales and brand recognition, but how do you ensure your business stands out from the crowd?
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Online Marketing as the New High Street

The recent online marketing revolution coupled with the rise of social media have achieved the one goal that has eluded advertisers for years: they have finally opened up two-way traffic between consumers and brands.

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Online Marketing in the 21st Century

There are many approaches that can be taken to produce an effective online marketing campaign. Of course, larger cities, such as London, dictate that the strategies of any business be sharply honed; the sheer amount of competition demands nothing less, especially for young and start-up companies. Fortunately, with the help of experienced SEO marketing companies, there are tools that a business can employ at its disposal in order to maximise its online presence.

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Why Your Business Needs a Strong Online Presence

It is very common these days for the Internet to be the first port of call for customers in search of a product or service. To maximise customer and client interest, therefore, businesses need to fortify their presence on the Web and facilitate early engagement. Indeed, any business in this digital age must have a strong online presence to keep up with the competition and stand out from the rest.

The right strategy can help you bring your online presence to life and engage customers more meaningfully, thereby allowing you to generate the site traffic that you need to dominate search rankings and increase conversion. Investing in services like web design, search engine optimisation (SEO) and social media integration can provide you with measurable results, showing a positive return to your investment.

If you believe that your website is not performing as well as it should, for instance, you can task an online marketing provide to perform a full site audit and identify any issues that need to be rectified. These issues may have to do with indexed pages, your landing pages, title tags, missing meta descriptions, URLs, and other site elements.

Another service worth considering is reputation marketing. By bringing your five-star reviews to the fore and pushing the negative feedback further down search results, your business gains credibility and stands a better chance of achieving first-page rankings.

Online Marketing Ideas for Your London Business

When you’re trying to catch the eye of London customers, you’ll need to be creative. However, it can be difficult to come up with effective ideas. That’s why you’ll need the help of online marketing professionals to come up with original ways to get customers flocking to your business. Here are a few examples of what they can come up with:


  • Start a Blog. A blog, especially a well-written one, can get your company a lot of attention. However, a blog isn’t about the hard sell; having informative and amusing articles is enough to raise people’s attention.


  • Create a Video Series. Another way to get people to pay attention is a video series. Amusing videos with colourful personalities put a face to your business, making your company more approachable and memorable.


  • Use Social Media. A lot of people use social media nowadays. Creating a presence on a social media platform can ensure visibility to many people. Furthermore, social media is easy to use and reaches out to a large potential audience.


These are just a few examples of what you can do to garner people’s attention. However, implementing them can be a bit difficult. You’ll want the help of dedicated online marketing professionals to ensure that they’re done properly.


London Online Marketing: Keep Up with Google’s New Mobile SEO Update

The recent announcement from Google about mobile SEO had businesses around the world worried. The latest update states that a website’s mobile-friendliness will now be treated as a ranking signal. This means that websites that are not mobile optimised may rank lower in search results. This comes as no surprise at all, however, as Google had been hinting at its leniency to mobile-responsive websites for quite a long time. Businesses in London that have yet to create mobile-responsive websites are now advised to revamp their London online marketing strategies to avoid penalties before the update takes effect on the 21st of April.

Experts speculate that this change came about because of an event in early 2014 when mobile searches exceeded PC searches. An overwhelming 99.5 percent of users accessed websites through their mobile devices to find content and information while 15 percent made purchases. Although mobile SEO has been one of the major contributors to search engine rankings as it stands today, Google aims to change the landscape once more with the upcoming update.


Keeping Up with the Online Marketing Evolution

The world of online marketing is an evolving field. If you own a business, it will be to your advantage to be on the lookout for changes, especially in SEO.

Mobile devices have grown in usage over the last few years, to the point that they are projected to eventually overtake desktop computers. About a year ago, Google announced that it would take into account how mobile-friendly a website is when ranking results for smartphone searches. Local businesses can potentially lose a lot of traffic if their site is not mobile-friendly, which is why Google recommends and favours responsive web design in this matter.

You may have heard this before, but it’s certainly worth repeating: be social. Relationships were the cornerstone of any business in the days before the Internet, and that fact still remains even now. With social media, you should remember that it’s not only visibility that matters, but interaction too.

Furthermore, you can know if you’re keeping up with the changes if you track your ROI (return on investment). For this, it would be wise to utilise analytics to know important data such as cost per acquisition. The insight you will gain from this will help you improve your efforts.

Producing Quality Content for Online Marketing

Even by today’s standards, there is no denying the truth in the old saying “content is king”, especially with companies and businesses that strive towards success in markets that rely on technology. Despite what many say about flashy website features, content is still a dominant factor in a consumer’s purchasing decision. The question now is “How can your website produce quality content to attract attention?”

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The Best Way to Do Content Marketing

Sharing stories is undeniably ingrained in people, with everyone having a story to share. As technology develops, so do the various forms of media used for story-telling—from oral discussions and pages to digital photographs, videos, and blogs. Now, even brands and companies are becoming story-tellers to engage people into buying their products or services, an online marketing strategy known as content marketing. Continue reading