Online Marketing as the New High Street

The recent online marketing revolution coupled with the rise of social media have achieved the one goal that has eluded advertisers for years: they have finally opened up two-way traffic between consumers and brands.

Where past marketing has relied on trying to get the advertising message across loud and clear, canny marketers have now realised that people are, well… people, and engaging them with interesting online content is a great way to raise brand awareness and get feedback from potential customers.

The focus on instant lead conversion is a thing of the past, and a healthy strategy of relationship-building has taken its place. While this may seem a phenomenon of the digital age, this actually harks back to an earlier time; the butchers and bakers of the bygone streets of London had a working relationship with their regular customers that transcended the need to sell a product—they knew their customers, knew what they liked and took an interest in them as people.

This has now reached the world of online marketing, and the need to reach out to customers online has led to them reaching back with their requirements and critiques, helping companies tailor their products to their target market.

Whilst new trends in marketing can often be part of a fleeting fad, the fusion of the old and the new in the digital age has moved beyond the ‘hype cycle’ and demonstrated that customer engagement is the new way to do business.

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